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Bryan/College Station, TAMU, Oct. 16-17, 2014

Picture from the Bryan/College Station, TAMU

I spoke with cadets from the JROTC programs at Rudder and Bryan High Schools on Oct. 16th at BHS.  What an amazing group of young people. Ready to serve.  They welcomed me with pride and humility!  On Friday, I was a guest at TAMU and got to shake hands with a four-legged friend, Reveille, before signing books at the Aggie 100 event.  Friday afternoon, I signed books at Barnes and Noble, thanks to Mandy Espericueta, Community Business Development Manager, and  spent time with many friends in the Brazos Valley.  A blessed week, for sure!

Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation, Oct. 17-19, 2014 Dallas, TX

Pictures from Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation

I was invited to attend the Congressional Medal of Honor Foundation’s gala weekend, honoring recipients of the MOH as well as Texas Governor Rick Perry who was honored guest and recipient of the foundation’s Patriot Award.  It was an all-star benefit, with both Perry and Greg Abbott reinforcing our need to support today’s veterans in the workforce.

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Look what Shilo’s wearing…

Shilo and Mizzen in front of an American Flag

Mizzen and Main has developed clothing with “breathable technology” so burn guys like me or folks who are simply “too hot to handle” can wear something that looks cool! They use advanced performance fabric that’s moisture wicking and keeps you dry and comfortable in every situation. No ironing, no dry cleaning -which I appreciate!  There’s more to the good news, though.  This is a company that is committed to keeping their products American made –they even kicked off a program called “Shirt for a Start”  to both hire veterans and give paid job training opportunities to them with exposure to the startup world and experience in logistics, design, sales, and more. This program can make a tremendous, direct impact helping transition veterans to the civilian workforce.  They also donate and fundraise to give back on a consistent basis, including partnerships with the Navy SEAL Foundation and One Team One Fight.  Please support this great company at

Shilo Mizzen 1


Support Our Troops logo

ISIS doesn’t scare me. I am “100% American Badass” thanks to my dad and my military training. I am one of millions of combat-hardened American heroes we call veterans. We are all waiting for SISI to come if they dare. SISI is a bunch of thugs that kill unarmed men and women. That’s right, SISI (pronounced SISSY!) They’re hypocrites using the same technologies they oppose to promote their agenda of hate. They are taking advantage of a war torn country using the media to promote sadistic tactics to scare anyone that might oppose them. When they face real soldiers, America’s men and women in uniform, they will lose.

Even though SISI is a threat to the weak and unarmed and is destroying people’s lives in a large area of the Middle East, the true threat lies right here in the US. Our borders have been a freeway for whoever wants to cross them. Except, of course, our Marine, SGT Andrew Tahmooressi, still being detained in Mexico. The fact that we have motivated individuals here in the US willing to join the ranks of SISI and do harm to our families and innocent people on US soil is beyond my comprehension, but we cannot allow another 9-11 style attack. We need more boots on the ground in the Middle East so we can find out where the enemy is so we can destroy the core of this sadistic infestation of terroristic ideology.

I am a retired SSG, not a general or former intelligence officer. The decision regarding how many troops to redeploy is above my paygrade, but if I was going to send anyone I would send a division of Cavalry and Infantry to squash these chumps. We have the firepower. We have the most professional fighting force in the world.

I was at Minot Air Force Base, ND this week and experienced some of the most professional airmen this nation has to offer. I have seen some of the awesome firepower we have available and it gives me reassurance that we can handle any threat that comes our way from anyone. It is time to act. Secure the borders. Attack the enemy before they can attack us.

American300 Foundation, September 1-5, 2014

american 300 100% volunteer

I had the opportunity to spend a week in September 2014 with the American300 Foundation tour in Minot, ND.  Imagine my surprise when I changed planes in the Denver airport and found our first copy of Steel Will on the bookstore shelves. That was awesome! I had a wonderful adventure, and I need to give a shout out to all the amazing airmen at Minot AFB.  Rob Powers with American300 really helped reinforce why I do what I do.  Shout out to Jen Housholder for her music and stories.  We shared our tales and thanked these extremely professional men and women for their service. If anyone’s wondering, our country is ready. They showed me what readiness looks like, and I have the highest regard for the jobs they do everyday.

American300 recognizes these U.S. Armed Forces members who protect our freedom.  A 100% volunteer organization, the foundation tour visits the troops, giving them a chance to connect with home while they enjoy a change of pace from the tensions of active duty. It’s a source of physical and mental release that is as good for their bodies as well as for their spirits.  I know it was good for mine.

KAMO Adventures-August 23-24, 2014

KAMO Adventures BBQ Fundraiser 2023

KAMO adventure

KAMO Adventures believes in providing a safe, supportive, and friendly environment where wounded U.S. service members can assist each other in the healing process, both mentally and physically.  Through outdoor hunting experiences unique to each wounded veteran’s needs and abilities, KAMO is dedicated to serving and honoring our returning wounded heroes.   On August 24th, I’ll be speaking at the American Legion Post 370 in Overland Park, KS, about the importance of supporting our veterans. Come and join us!  

Fox News/The Huckabee Show on Sept. 6, 2014

Huckabee on Fox

I’m excited to announce that Kathreyn and I have been invited to appear on The Mike Huckabee Show on Fox News. We’ll travel to New York City on the 6th, so be sure to tune in or set your DVR/TIVO to record this session.  It should air numerous times; check your local listings. The producers of  the Huckabee Show loved their advanced review copy of the book, and Kat and I are honored to be given this unique opportunity to bear witness to what freedom costs.  It’s also a welcome opportunity to reveal what God has done in our lives, and to expose millions of viewers to the many needs of the warrior community. Veterans in the workplace, on the homefront, and in our communities and churches need our support now more than ever!

Patriot Project-August 5-8, 2014

The Patriot Project logo

This grassroots movement is rapidly expanding to provide chiropractic care to all active military, wounded warriors, and their families. Their motto is “They Served…We Support” and they are doing just that.  On August 5-8, 2014, I’ll join the warrior community in Canton, Ohio for a celebration dubbed “Heroes Don’t Wear Capes”.  On the 6th at 6:00 PM, we’ll meet at Hoover Park, where I’ll join several Medal of Honor recipients and a proud Navy Seal in speaking to the patriotic citizens of Canton!


Learn more:

Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes, San Diego, October 4-8, 2014

Coalition to Salute Americas Heroes

The mission of the Coalition to Salute America’s Heroes is to help severely-wounded veterans and families of Operation Enduring Freedom and Operation Iraqi Freedom recover from their injuries and illnesses, and to inspire other organizations and the general public to participate in this effort. They offer emergency financial aid, holiday gift programs, public outreach, and many other worthwhile initiatives to aid America’s servicemen and women.  I’ll be in San Diego from October 4-8, 2014 to join in this effort.

On October 4th, we’ll be at Loew’s Coronado Bay Resort for a special evening celebration to honor and raise funds to support severely wounded veterans. Come and join us!

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